Element 2.1.5

2.1.5 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of specific strategies for teaching:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

  • Students with Special Education Needs

  • Non English Speaking Background students

  • Students with Challenging Behaviours


Statement of how the standard has been achieved:

Students will make a statement of no more than 500 works as to how the standard has been achieved.

Donec sollicitudin mi et magna. Proin non est. Vestibulum diam. Quisque in enim. Sed id dui. Nunc nec sapien. Nulla lacus. Quisque in ante vel nunc semper pellentesque. Nam sit amet lacus sit amet ipsum auctor eleifend. Quisque vitae justo eu neque mattis pellentesque. Suspendisse tristique. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque hendrerit tristique turpis. Pellentesque eget mi. Vestibulum a lacus.

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This documents demonstrates n ante vel nunc semper pellentesque.

pdficon_largeName of attachment and descriptive statement.

This documents demonstrates n ante vel nunc semper pellentesque.

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